Back to Basics: How to Manifest Anything

Manifesting is a key component of creating abundance. Whether you are new to it or a seasoned pro, reviewing the basic principles can help to solidify the process. To simplify things, we use the example of manifesting a new job throughout this article. The same process is used regardless of the outcome you seek, whether it be your career, finances, personal relationships, or any other aspect of your life. Get ready to manifest the future of your dreams!

What is manifesting?

According to the dictionary, to manifest is to “display, demonstrate, or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance.” In terms of abundance, we use manifesting to mean creating our own realities with intention. The dictionary definition provides us with a map that includes demonstrating what we want before we get it.

To intentionally forge your own reality, you need to take the following four steps:

  1. Identify what you want.

  2. Visualize yourself accomplishing or receiving it.

  3. Take action steps toward bringing your dream or goal into existence.

  4. Appreciate what you desire as if you have already received it.


Before you can intentionally manifest something, you need to decide what it is that you want. If you fail to do this step, your subconscious - acting on ideas it learned in the past - will decide for you. If you had a painful childhood that remains unresolved, your subconscious may manifest more painful relationships. If you worry about not having enough money, your subconscious will manifest a continued lack of money. This, like all the stages of manifestation, is an active one. You must identify that which you desire in order to have control over the results.

Be specific in what you want. Rather than saying you want a new job; say you want a fantastic promotion at your existing company. One that includes an expense account and a company car. Or say you want a new job with people who care for the environment. One that includes unlimited time off, terrific coworkers, and the chance to grow your skills while making a lot of money. Add as many details as you can, focusing on what’s important to you. Maybe it’s the location. Maybe it’s the salary. Whatever you need and want out of that job, include it. Give it a time limit. Write it down.


Now that you’ve identified your goal, visualize yourself attaining it. Use all your senses in imagining that you’ve already attained the job of your dreams.

See yourself doing what you love every week. Picture your clothes, your office (if there is one), the tools you will use. Hear the sounds that bring it to life - tapping on the keyboard, the whine of power tools, the sounds of a busy kitchen or the tiny voices of daycare. Or maybe you want a solo career that takes you around the world. Hear the surf roar or the silence of a cozy cabin. Whatever sounds make your new job real, hear them.

Are there smells and tastes associated with your goal? Use your imagination to make those real as well. Smell the clean new office or the freshly cut wood or the delicious baked goods. Maybe you’ll treat yourself to a weekly extra-large iced whipped mocha double espresso when you get that new job. Imagine how good it will taste. Inhale the fragrance before you take your first sip to savor this reward.

What will you touch as part of your new job? Will your fingers be on a keyboard? Maybe you hold little hands or use a hammer to create your own custom-made furniture. Do you create art? Feel the weight of the paintbrush, the texture of the clay, or the buttons of the camera. Try to bring all your senses into your visualization.

Take action

You can’t just decide you want something, imagine you have it and expect it to show up. It might, eventually. But only because you’re putting energy into the universe with the first two steps. You need to take action toward getting it. This lets the universe know that you are serious about getting what you want. Put physical energy into getting that which you desire.

Say you want that new job. Take actions toward getting it. Learn. Apply. Work. Increase your knowledge or hone the skills necessary to excel in your chosen field. Go to the library, ask experts who are already doing what you want to do for advice. Take a class. Get your resume in order. Fill out applications. Make it easy for the universe to help you.

Appreciate it now

Identify, visualize, act. Then kick it up a notch, by including appreciation in your visualization. Appreciate the job you have now and, even before you get it, appreciate the new job. Be grateful for receiving it. See this article for a more in-depth look. Appreciate what you have now and what you will have in the future.

Manifest your life

The life of your dreams is within your reach. Take charge of your future by deciding what you want. Involve all your senses as you visualize yourself attaining your goals. Take action. Do the work that demonstrates your commitment to improvement. And feel grateful - for what you have and for what you will have.

What kind of abundance are you manifesting right now? Leave a comment below.

Article by Renee Spears. Renee is a Law of Attraction Coach & Mentor, Spiritual Advisor, and Host of The Abundology Podcast. Learn more here.